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Shasta Abbey, Soto Zen Churchの変更点

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!!!Shasta Abbey, Soto Zen Church
{{ref_image shasta a.JPG}}
, ,
,Address, 3724 Summit Drive Mount Shasta CA 96067 U.S.A 

:Surrounding Areas Served:


:Brief History:Established in 1970 by  late Rev. Kennett Jiyu
:Founders & Successive Chief Priest:
*Kennett  Jiyu
:Activities & Annual Services and Events:
*Funeral service
*Memorials for departed friends and relatives
*Naming ceremony for children
*Wedding service
*House blessings
*O Segaki (Feeding the Hungry Ghosts) 
*Feeding the Hungry Ghosts (Sejikie) 
*Special ceremony for aborted or stillborn children and miscarriage 
*Animal Ordinations, funerals, and  memorials

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