!!!アイエア 太平寺 {{ref_image 2 Aiea Taiheiji.jpg}} ,, ,住所, Address: 99-045 Kauhale Street Aiea HI 96701 U.S.A. ,電話,1-808-488-6794 ,fax,1-808-488-6794 ,E-mail,taiheiji@hawaii.rr.com ,web,http://global.sotozen-net.or.jp/eng/temples/outside_jp/Hawaii/77.html :道順: ホノルル国際空港から20分 :地域社会との交流・名所旧跡: :寺院の歴史: "Soto Shu’s presence in Aiea can be traced back as early as July 1904, when Rev. Sokyo Ueoka conducted services from a residential home until November 1906. Nearly 12 years later, a Soto temple was founded in Aiea on July 17, 1918, by Rev. Mokuryu Tsuda. On July 4, 1924, Rev. Sekizen Arai of Sojiji and Genpo Kitano the head priest of Eiheiji at the time granted this temple its new name, “Shinjuzan Taiheiji.” On November 16, 1926, Territory of Hawaii Governor Wallace R. Farrington formally recognized the temple as “Soto Mission of Aiea.” On March 1, 1965, the construction of a new temple was completed, replacing the old termite damaged structure that had stood for over 40 years. Although the Aiea Taihei Japanese Language School closed after 75 years in 2000, the Soto Mission of Aiea is a very busy temple serving its members and their families and the Aiea community. Today, Taiheiji continues a variety of activities in both new and traditional. They include Sunday Services, New Year’s Blessing Service, Hanamatsuri, Bon Service, Bon Dance, Bodhi Day Celebration, Zazen, Annual BBQ Chicken Fundraiser, Japanese Taiko druming, Fujinkai, Baika-ko, Aiea Taiheiji Yagura Gumi, temple maintenance and beautification, Judo, Karate, Kendo, Aikido, Iai-do, Fukiya, Shigin, and Soroban. If you are interested in learning more about Japanese culture and tradition, feel free to stop by the temple and join the fun. We will be waiting for you with our spirit of “Aloha”. ―soto mission of aiea  :御開山と歴代住職: *津田黙龍(開山) *吉住浩巌(第2世) *田宮黎友(第3世) *長棟梅峯(第4世) *浅山賢榮(第5世) *工藤正典(第6世) *篠田一法(第7世) *長谷川俊道(第8世) :法務担当者: *駒形宗二 :現住職: :行事・活動: *婦人会 *観音講 *梅花講 *仏前結婚式 *YBA(青年会) *春秋彼岸会 *三仏忌 *盂蘭盆法要 *両祖忌 *摂心 *バザー *除夜会 {{category a}}{{category t}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}