!!!Fumonji, Zen-Zentrum Eisenbuch {{ref_image PICT1358 sight.jpg}} {{ref_image PICT1413.jpg}} , , ,Address, Eisenbuch 7 84567 Eribach GERMANY ,phone,49-8670-986820 ,fax,49-8670-986821 ,E-mail,zen-zentrum.eisenbuch@t-online.de ,web,[www.eisenbuch.de|http://www.eisenbuch.de/] Deutsch/English/日本語 Nenew! :Directions: :Surrounding Areas Served: 30 minutes drive from Salzburg. 110 km east of Munich's quiet and clean environment. ---- {{ref_image eisenbuch-1.jpg}} :Brief History: Fumonji was established by Rev.Nakagawa.He moved to Europe in 1979, and bought the hotel on the beautiful hills near to Alps in October 1996.The hotel was renovated and became one of Daihonzan Eihei-ji's ministry temple.In October 1997, Kaigen (consecrating ceremony) and Rakkei (the Completion ceremony) for Buddhist temple held. :Founders & Succesive Chief Priests: *Miyazaki Ekiho :Chief Priests: *Nakagawa Shoju :Activities & Annual Services and Events: *Zazen *Buddism Education *Monthley Lecture *Workshop :News: *[Tag der offenen Gartentur im Zen-Kloster Daihizan Fumonji|http://www.lra-aoe.de/fileadmin/docs/aktuelles/natur/GartenFlyer_Daihizan.pdf] 29. Juni 2008 9 bis 17 Uhr {{ref_image fumonji.JPG}} {{category e}}{{category f}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}