!!!Green Gulch Farm Zen Center, Green Dragon Zen Temple, Soryuji {{ref_image image062-1.jpg}} , , ,Address,1601 Shoreline Highway Muir Beach CA 94965 ,phone,415-383-3134 ,fax,415-383-3128 ,E-mail,ggfoffice@sfzc.org ,, ,web,www.sfzc.org :Directions:'''map''' [click here!|http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result.php?q1=1601+Shoreline+Hwy+Muir+Beach%2C+CA+94965] Green Gulch is in Marin County, on Hwy. 1, about 1/2hour drive north of San Francisco. Detailed directions are available on our website. :Surrounding Areas Served:Our members come from all over the San Francisco Bay Area. ---- :Brief History:One of three centers that make up San Francisco Zen Center, which was founded by Shunryu Suzuki-roshi in 1972. :Founders & Succesive Chief Priests *Suzuki Shunryu *Baker Myoyu *Katagiri Dainin *Anderson Zenki *Cutts Eijun :Priest: *Stuckey Myogen :Activities: *Year round training; daily zazen and services *Sesshin *Sunday morning Dharma Talks, instruction in zazen, and zazen *Six month training program in Zen meditation and organic farming classes in chanoyu :Annual Services and Events: *Buddhas Birthday Celebration *Parinirvana Ceremony *New Year's Eve sitting :Note: *overnight accommodations *retreat facilities {{ref_image greengulch2.JPG}} {{category g}}{{category s}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}