!!!Monterey Soto Zen Temple, Zenshuji ,, ,Address,1159 Mono Court Seaside CA 93955 U.S.A ,phone,1-831-899-2905 ,fax, ,E-mail, ,web, :Directions: [map|http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=ja&msa=0&msid=104077046876456183643.00000112fc2968add1e4f&om=1&ll=36.589482,-121.850395&spn=0.061059,0.088577&z=13] 2 km from Monterey Peninsula Airport :Surrounding Areas Served: ---- :Brief History:In 1962, in concert with the commemoration of the 40th anniv. of buddhism in North America,the venerable Iwamoto Shoshun,Associate Archbishop of Sojiji,the venerable Kongo Shuitsu,Chief Administrator of the Soto Zen Sect,and other representatives of japanese Buddhism,officially founded the Monterey Soto Zen temple. :Founders&Successive Chief Priests: *Ueno Kisan :Chief Priest: *Ueno Kisan :Activities&Annual Services and Events: :Note: {{category m}}{{category z}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}