!!!San Francisco Zen Center,Hosshinji , , ,Address, 300 Page Street. San Francisco CA 94102 U.S.A ,phone,1-415-863-3136 ,fax,1-415-431-9220 ,E-mail,ccoffice@sfzc.org ,web,www.sfzc.org :Directions: :Surrounding Areas Served: ---- :Brief History: "San francisco Zen center (Hosshin-ji ) was founded in 1962 by Suzuki Shunryu Roshi. One of the largest Buddhist sanghas outside Asia. It has three practice places: City Center in the vibrant heart of San Francisco; Green Gulch Farm, whose organic fields meet the ocean in Marin County; and Tassajara Zen Mountain Center -- the first Zen training monastery in the West -- in the Ventana Wilderness inland from Big Sur." :Founders&Successive Chief Priests: *Suzuki Shunryu :Priests: *Gigen Austin *Zendo Haller :Activities: :Annual Services and Events: {{category h}} {{category s}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}