!!!Stone Creek Zen Center, Sekisenan {{ref_image image008.jpg}} , , ,Address , P.O. Box 56 Sebastopol CA 95473 U.S.A. ,phone,707-829-9808 ,fax,707-829-9808 ,E-mail,jisho@sonic.net   ,, ,web,www.stonecreekzencenter.org :Directions:'''map''' [click here!|http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?q1=1014+Ragle+Road+Sebastopol+CA+95472] Highway 101 to highway 116 or highway 12 to Bodega Highway, Right on Ragle Road :Surrounding Areas Served: SebastoplDL 1mi, Santa Rosa 10 mi, Rollnent Park 15mi ---- :Brief History: Was established Jisho Warner Roshi :Founders&Successive Chief Priest: Rev Jisho Warner :Activities: *Zazen *Study Groups *Lectures, Sessions, Work Groups *Sessions, Work Groups *Work Groups :Annual Services and Events: :Note: {{category s}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}