!!!Zen Mountain Center, Yokoji {{ref_image image050.jpg}} , , ,Address,P.O.Box 43 Mt.Center CA 92561 ,phone,951-659-3472 ,fax,951-659-3275 ,E-mail,zmc@2mc.org ,, ,web,www.zmc.org :Direction:'''map''' [click here!|http://maps.yahoo.com/maps_result?q1=Mountain+Center%2CCA+92561] Turn from HWY-74 to Apple Canyon Rd. as all the way to the end follow the slopes :Surrounding Areas Served: Rwerside,Hemet,Palm Desert(Coachella Valley) and Inland Empire. ---- :Brief History: Established in 1982 under Maezumi-Roshi, became a year round trainees center in 1995. 1997 Fletcher Tenshin became abbot. :Founder: *Maezumi Hakuyu :Chief Priest: *Fletcher Tenshin :Activities: *Year round training *Sesshin *Taichi/Ken *Introduction to Zen 2hr. *2day workshops. *Buddha's Birthday/Rohatsu *Pariniruana Bodhidharma Day, *New Year Service & Sesshin *Founder Day *British Sesshin {{category y}}{{category z}} !このページの変更履歴 {{lastedit 5}}